Sunday, September 16, 2007

Romney Week in Review
September 14, 2007

This week, Governor Mitt Romney welcomed the Petraeus Report and the encouraging news that U.S. forces are having success in Iraq: "[The] testimony from General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker confirms the progress being made by our troops in Iraq. This is good news for Americans and Iraqis. The importance of a successful conclusion to Iraq must be weighed in light of the global threat of violent Jihad and terror. America must continue its commitment to the strategy General Petraeus is executing."

And, on Monday via National Review Online, Governor Romney made clear that the attack on General Petraeus' reputation and character by a leading Democrat group is outrageous and deplorable. He elaborated today on MSNBC's "Morning Joe":

"The attack on General Petraeus is, frankly, entirely unacceptable ... And I'm afraid the truth is that has purchased the Democratic Party, if you will. That it's funding, and the status of this 527, and the voice it has in the Democratic Party is so powerful that it's now calling the shots. And that Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama and John Edwards are afraid to repudiate an ad and organization which has taken a disgusting course against a great American."

Listen to Governor Romney talk about the And, while you're watching Mitt's YouTube channel, listen to his discussion of the importance of the Federal Marriage Amendment for our families and for our children.

Finally, remember that this Monday, September 17 features two important online milestones:

First, Governor Romney will be participating in his first live, online Ask Mitt Anything at 7:15pm EDT. Go to to submit your question today. Or submit questions during this live video event.

Second, Monday is the final day to submit your entry to the "Team Mitt: Create Your Own Ad!" contest. Your work could still be featured on as a finalist or on television as our new campaign advertisement, but you've got to start now by visiting!

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