Wednesday, December 5, 2007

An Email from Jeff Booker

Dear Friends,

On Thursday, Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney is planning to deliver a speech in Texas about "Faith in America." This is an important issue and I hope that the people of NJ tune in to listen to Governor Romney discuss religious liberty and how Governor Romney's faith will inform his Presidency.

Faith is an important issue to many Americans and transcends Republican and Democratic labels. If Mitt is anything like I've seen out on the campaign trail, this address will be thoughtful, intellectual and very personal. This is the right moment and I hope that on Thursday, millions of other Americans will see the Mitt Romney I have always seen – a man who cares for the well being of his family, friends, neighbors and fellow Americans.

On a personal note, I consider myself to be an evangelical Christian. I’ll freely admit that while I was thoroughly impressed by Romney’s resume and abilities as a candidate, the fact that he was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints concerned me. However, upon further reflection, I realized that it was not right for me to withhold political support from a candidate because we don’t attend the same church or share the same doctrinal views. To do so would be wrong. We are voting for President, not Pastor. We’re hiring a CEO of the nation, not a Dean of our preferred seminary.

I ask that all of my evangelical friends and fellow Republicans look at how Mitt has lived his life, his professional resume and how he has served his fellow man. Upon doing so, I’m confident you’ll come to the same conclusion I did. Mitt Romney is uniquely qualified to lead our party and our nation.


Jeffrey Booker

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